Category Archives: Work

In case you didn’t realize it already, I’m kind of weird

A List Apart just published the results of their 2007 Web Design survey. In it, they surveyed almost 33,000 web professionals. A few things I found interesting… 16.3% of respondents were female. (~5350) About 25% of respondents were web developers … Continue reading

Posted in Work | 1 Comment

emily != email

I’m a web developer. I spend a lot of time writing code to make web sites work. Sometimes that involves making sign up forms, or newsletter-sending-modules, or I-need-to-change-my-account forms. For example: First name: Last name: Email address: Plus a bunch … Continue reading

Posted in Random, Work | 1 Comment


There are some really cool jobs out there… and some really not-so-cool jobs. Cool job: web developer for CHANGE design group, a design company in Chicago that works primarily with faith-based organizations and does a good job of it. Not-so-cool … Continue reading

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Today it begins

Today, I’m actually going to begin, in earnest, looking for a job. Maybe by writing that down, I’ll stop procrastinating and actually do it this afternoon when I get out of work. Maybe. I’m bouncing between excitement and eager anticipation, … Continue reading

Posted in Work | 2 Comments

I’m blue

At work a few months ago, I had to take a “discovery profile” personality/work style test. My boss gave me a packet today with my results. It assigns you a color… blue is my dominant color (reforming observer) but red … Continue reading

Posted in Life, Work | 2 Comments