Category Archives: School
The tests are done. The projects are done. The papers are done (three due today). I’m done. That fact has definitely not set in yet. It probably doesn’t help that I’m still at school for the next three days, working. … Continue reading
some observations
“Spring” semester has begun. 1. why is it called spring semester? we’ve gotten a good 6 inches of snow in the past couple of days. we probably should shovel our driveway… 2. my religion prof gave us a binder with … Continue reading
sometimes I use words when I don’t know what they mean
that’s what happens when I start writing papers at 6 p.m. the day before they’re due… at least I already did the research, and have a thesis statement. But it’s not totally my fault; I was in Madrid this weekend … Continue reading
On learning Spanish
I’m getting better at Spanish. This is a good thing, since that’s really why I’m here. But it’s not quite the way I expected. I thought I would learn lots of new words, and that would constitute becoming fluent. But … Continue reading