Category Archives: News
my ring is stuck on my finger
i’ve been trying (on and off) for the past 5 minutes to get it off, but it’s not coming. harrumph. other things that aren’t coming anytime soon: the refrigerator for our house. it won’t come until at least Saturday. that … Continue reading
It’s alive!
so, my trusty desktop computer gave me a little scare a few days ago… it decided it didn’t want to get past the Dell start-up screen. Hmm. Fortunately, it’s better now. Reinstalling Windows works wonders. The only bummer is that … Continue reading
I’m home
Well, I’m home. Europe was great. It went by really, really fast. Note to self: you can’t see Europe in 2 weeks. But we had fun trying! I’ll be in Midland until next Saturday and then in Grand Rapids for … Continue reading
well, this is it. I leave Denia in just over 6 hours. the reality of leaving hasn’t really set in yet, but I know it’s going to hit me at some random time over the next couple of weeks, and … Continue reading
One week and counting
So clich�, but really, I can’t belive it’s almost done. Spain, 4.5 months of my life, a new life, a new culture… only a week left. Wow. I’d rather not dwell on that at the moment. There’s a long enough … Continue reading